Goals & Targets

Beauty of our Product

Achieve a 20% reduction in packaging against our calendar year 2019 baseline.

BY 2030

Ensure that 100% of our folding box boards are made with FSC- or PEFC-certified material.

By 2025

Increase our use of post-consumer recycled materials to at least 30%.

By 2030

Include sustainability criteria in the conception of all new products.

Share progress on our High Profile Ingredients and Materials management process annually.

As of 2020

Improve responsible sourcing and transparency in our supply chain by:

Purchasing 100% RSPO-certified palm oil for our production sites by 2024 and our third-party manufacturers by 2025.

By 2024/2025

Ensuring 100% of Indian mica is responsibly sourced.

By 2030

Beauty of our Planet

Reduce absolute scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50% from a calendar year 2019 base year.

Reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions 28% from a calendar year 2019 base year.

Increase annual sourcing of renewable electricity from 5% in calendar year 2019 to 100%.

Reduce energy consumption by 20% compared to our base year of calendar year 2019.

Send zero waste to landfill from Coty factories and distribution centers.

Recycle 80% of waste generated by our factories and distribution centers.

By 2030

Beauty of our People

Pay equitably for similar roles and performance, regardless of gender.

Ambition achieved

Achieve gender balance in leadership positions.

Roll out diversity, equity and inclusion training for all associates.

95% of associates to complete annual compliance training.

By 2025


Our dedicated Sustainability Office is responsible for the development and implementation of Coty’s sustainability strategy. Under the direction of the Head of Sustainability Office position, the team is led by and reports into the Chief Scientific & Sustainability Officer. The Head of Sustainability Office has a dotted reporting line into Coty’s Chief Brands Officers, to drive actionable change within our brands towards our targets.

Our Board provides oversight through its committees and our Board member for ESG. The Sustainability Office provides formal updates to both the Executive Committee and the Board at least once a year.

The Sustainability Office works hand-in-hand with our Sustainability Taskforce to manage day-to-day operations and drive strategic updates. The Sustainability Taskforce is made up of functional leads from across the business and meets monthly to review progress and plan for future needs. Our Sustainability Office also works closely with Coty’s brands and external partners to implement, evolve and communicate Beauty That Lasts.